As an institution of higher education and a community of thought leaders, we at Alliant see a societal imperative to create a more equitable, 包容, 这就是世界. 通过我们在精神健康宣传方面的努力, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 社会正义, 教育机会, 我们将我们的愿景变为现实.
Preparing generations of mental health practitioners is only one step in ensuring that everyone who needs help can get it. One of the greatest societal obstacles to mental health is the scourge of stigma. 通过像“心灵集体”这样的倡议, 与全国精神疾病联盟合作, we pair education with compassion in order to foster a community in which open dialogue about mental health reduces stigma and encourages people to seek help when they need it.
We believe that every child deserves a quality education, no matter their zip code. 通过我们的现役学院(ISA), we address one of the greatest causes of the national teacher shortage crisis and a fundamental barrier to ensuring that every classroom has a qualified teacher at the helm: attrition. The Academy provides ongoing professional development and support for each alumnus of our teaching programs so they can receive the same support they offer their students and continue to make their impact in the classroom.
We continue our legacy of dedication to 社会正义 and service to underrepresented and marginalized communities through 倡议 like our Immigration Asylum Clinic. 得到了阿连特教育基金会的支持, our 加州职业心理学院 has partnered with our 旧金山法学院 (SFLS) to provide free psychological and legal services to asylum seekers.
以支持我们对多元化的承诺, 股本, 包容, and actively dismantling persistent veiled and visible systemic racism, we have launched the Alliant Board of Trustees Committee on 多样性、公平和包容. 委员会将我们的DEI理念奉为圭臬, 倡议, and actions within our organizational DNA and holds each and every member of our community accountable, 在最高层次上, 致力于我们的制度价值观, 柱子, 任务, 以及愿景——所有这些都优先考虑多样性, 股本, 和包容.
We have partnered with the 联盟教育基金会 on 倡议 such as the Alliant Asylum Clinic, 为寻求庇护者提供免费的心理和法律服务.
心灵集合体, 这是CSPP和NAMI之间的合作倡议, 圣地亚哥, 旨在消除心理健康治疗的社会障碍.
Alliant clinical psychology students provide psychological services to families at Ronald McDonald Houses across the state through our Family 支持 Services program.
洛克威研究所 for LGBT 心理学 研究 and Public Policy
洛克威研究所, 这是一个全国性的LGBT心理学研究中心, 教育和公共政策, advances the use of scientific and professional expertise to counter anti-同性恋 prejudice and inform public policies affecting lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 以及跨性别者(LGBT).
社会影响联盟委员会 is dedicated to implementing policies, 努力, 以及优先考虑社会责任的举措, 环境管理, 通过透明度和问责制实现公共利益.
Alliant董事会多元化委员会, 股本 和包容
Alliant董事会多元化委员会, 公平和包容是我们DEI的理念, 倡议, and actions within our organizational DNA and holds our community accountable to our institutional values, 柱子, 任务, 以及愿景——所有这些都优先考虑多样性, 股本, 和包容.
国际多元文化教育, 研究, 干预, and Training Initiative
国际多元文化教育, 研究, 干预, and Training initiative (I-MERIT) provides leadership in the implementation of the university’s 多样性, 股本, 以及包容性倡议, 事件, 机构多样性目标, 以及所有学生的多元文化能力, 教师, 和工作人员.